Jake Mantel
Business Name: Fire Pants Fabrication Makers Mark: Location: Ferndale, WA Specialty: Toolmaking Takes Commissions: Yes Runs Classes: No Inspired by: Bob Kramer, Barry Gardner, John Monte Contact:
As long as I can remember I have been excited be creating something useful from a stock material. When I was young my Dad would teach me how to work with wood and to understand electronics. Later as a grew older my passion for metalwork had taken over, and has stuck with me as a hobby ever since. While speaking to John Monte one day he mentioned something that changed my outlook completly. As John is a very skilled manual machinest, and heavily involved in a model engineers club, he spoke about the Skill loss as more and more people take on 'office' roles, rather than skilled manual trades before the old blokes can pass on their skills and knowledge.
This now drives me to help get more people back into their sheds to create, fix, and invent whatever makes them happy. I'm trying to remove the tooling as a barrier to people getting out there and into their sheds, and if I can offer some assistance along the way I'll be more than happy too.